#Love Always Wins and #All Lives Matter

Well, SCOTUS made a big decision last week.  The previous week was the horrific tragedy in South Carolina. This week, across the south we are riding many cities and states of the Confederate Flag. Times they are changing, rapidly changing. So many emotions surrounding these past weeks: sorrow, rage, fear, joy, elation,and victory, to name a few.

While my view on marriage align with the church,  I do not judge or harbor any ill will towards anyone in my family, friends, coworkers, or neighbors for their feelings of relief and joy and victory. #LoveAlwaysWins is everywhere on social media. My faith remains strong and I know the most important thing is to live with joy. This draws people to you, when people are drawn towards you, they (hopefully) share your joy and this brings them an encounter with God. This is living the Gospel. (Sowing seeds.)

~ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11.

A few days ago, Hillary Clinton gave a speech  at a  historic black church in Missouri, and  NPR called her out on a supposed “3-word misstep”. In her speech she said  All LIVES MATTER  this offensive to some because what she should have said  was  that “all black lives” matter. It’s true, all black lives do matter. Although the phrase “all lives matter” is inclusive, confirming that ALL the People, that is to say “ALL LIVES” matter. (Can you say Holy Spirit? That was not a mistake y’all!)

~ I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.Psalm 139:14.

After a week of listening to the Charleston tragedy, after  the SCOTUS decision, I felt dejected. Then came the social media blitz. I had to pray for God to show me how to process this. I began to listen and read and ponder. What I began to hear, was really life affirming things. Like, “All Lives Matter” and “Love Always Win”. Think about those words… Yes, yes,it all makes perfect sense, I am finding these messages to be very life affirming. Ok, stay with me here~

So, while we move forward and begin to ponder what the future holds for us, our families, neighbors, communities, and our country, let’s renew our effort to show that all lives matter, that love always wins. Let’s support life from start to finish. Let’s take care of the least of us. Let’s forgive the “worst” of us. Let’s do it everyday. We are talking about dignity, respect, protecting the rights of all because all lives matter because you know, love always wins. Right?

Because change is happening everyday and laws are changing. Because we are having important conversations, and the words are being spoken, and you know what? Now these words have been spoken, hash-tagged, let’s use them to remind everyone of God’s greater plan.

There is much to be done, we must continue with our work.  Stop the killing of babies,stop all abortions, support and care for the sick, the hungry, the broken, the poor, the old, the convicted killers, it’s what we are called to do.  Pray for the conversion of all who need God. God’ plan is much more than we could ever hope for. Look at how the grace of God allowed the victims family to forgive the Charleston shooter, that is living the gospel, it’s simply amazing,in fact it is Grace.

~And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.

~There is a terrible hunger for love. We all experience that in our lives – the pain, the loneliness. We must have the courage to recognize it. The poor you may have right in your own family.
Find them. Love them. ~ Blessed Mother Teresa

PEACE be with you always.

~What I Wore Sunday~

what i wore sunday



~Linking up with Fine Linen and Purple for What I Wore Sunday. Photo bombed by my Lily. Sweetie pie. I am wearing the same theme from last week. Dress: Target, Sweater: Lands End, Scarf: Target. Boots: Zappos.

Thank you so much for the prayers! Thanks be to God, my Grandma is doing a little better. There was talk of morphine, oxygen, hospice, last rites. Today she is better and yesterday she got to go outside to soak up the sun. We’ve had some very lovely weather, sunny and in the 60’s. Love. Everyday is a gift, whether you are 101 or in your not 101!

~PRE class has been going a little better. The children are so sweet. I don’t wan’t to speak too soon, but I think we are hitting our groove. Honestly 1hour is not enough time to get the whole lessen in and it seems as if I am rushing to get it all in.

~Mass was good. We had the blessing of our throats. I am a telephone nurse 40 hours a week, It’s important  to have this blessing today. I invited my co-workers but no one came. That’s ok, the invitation always stands.




~I guess I need to find my real camera. The phone photo’s pretty blurry.


~Olivia, concerned!



~Selfie with daughter.

~This week I will pray for you, won’t you please pray for me? Praying for peace, the sick, the hungry and those that need Christ the most. Lord hear our prayers!


~What I wore Sunday~

what i wore sunday

Linking up with Fine Linen and Purple for What I Wore Sunday.


So, the best thing about what I Wore Sunday is I don’t forgot what I wore to Mass! Seriously, it’s easy to forget, or is that just me?

This week, Hello! February. Why are you so cold, so rainy, so dreary?  You make it oh so hard to get a good picture.

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So, I don’t know what’s up with picture number to, I think the red-eye fixer went wrong, but that’s cool.

So, Jacket is from Target. Really old.

Boots same as before, (Born)

Skirt I made, you can’t see it in these pictures, but it is  Alabama Chanin Style— a plain skirt. It’s too dark to see, but it is hand-sewn. Double layer of knit, cream, black, with button craft thread. I love, love, love Natalie Chanin. I have her books and I just love her style and her work. Sewing clothes by hand is surprising fun, easy and contemplative.

Scarf is a Stitch Fix item.

Now, if you wanted to make an Alabama Chanin style piece of clothing, you want to work with Jersey fabric, either from her store, or in her book she shows you how to reclaim tee-shirts to make the fabric. You can use new or thrift. You go by the feel of the shirt, you will know when you have good material.  These clothes are warm and cozy, perfect for the winter chill. I’ve made yoga pants and a tee-shirt for sleeping. Love.

Mass was very nice. Father spoke about contemplation. Our world is so busy, we are so busy. We are always doing. He said that somewhere around 1500 the Church moved away from contemplation, the thought was that people would feel they could go it alone. He said the last 500 years we have not spent the time that we should contemplating the Lord. (Not everyone of course, but generally speaking.)   We are so busy doing, going, talking, social media, etc. We must take time each day to spend with our Lord. Amen! I am guilty of this. Sometimes the closest I feel to God is when I am driving to work, I do my very serious praying on my way to work and when I am in the shower.  I know, that’s strange, but true. I always try to pray a thank you prayer when I first wake up, and through the day little prayers.  I always try to pray before bed, but honestly when my head hits the pillow, I am gone. I need to work on that one. I can do better with contemplation.

He also mentioned Martin Fulton always spent 1 hour with the Lord and he mentioned CS Lewis The Screwtape-Letters – I am not familiar with this book, but he said we would all benefit from reading it.   He also said that we owe so much to the Monastery and Monks. Their job is just being and praying, for all of us. They also transcribed the old documents and without them we would not have the Bible today.

This week I am begging prayers for me Grandmother. She is 101, her birthday is in March, and she is very sick.  Please pray for her peace and ease of suffering.  Please pray.



Hi there !!





~What I Wore Sunday~

what i wore sunday \


Linking up to What I Wore Sunday.
~Eeks, pictures were really hard this week. I gave blood right after church and I am really glad to give, but oh my gosh, I felt poorly the rest of the day. I’m still not feeling that great. Must drink more fluids.. cold and rainy to boot.

~Asking for prayers for my PRE class.  The children are wonderful kids. Bright, smart, funny, engaging, but there is one that is quite the challenge. I need some tips for keeping that one child from taking away from the other children’s experience. It’s a bit frustrating. I am praying.

~Everything is from the thrift store except for my boots, they are from Zappos. My favorite brand, Born “Samantha” love these boots. I have really bad feet, but I can go all day in these, no pain! Tights from Target and I always have on my St Therese medal.



~These pictures are ridiculous! Have a good week.

~What I Wore Sunday~

What I Wore Sunday at Fine Linen an Purple

Hello! This is my first time posting!!

Linking up with What I Wore Sunday at Fine Linen and Purple today. Never-mind the fact I have not blogged in a year or so. I will blow off the dust of this old blog…

I converted last April and entered the Church at the Easter Vigil. I haven’t blogged about this at all and I am not sure why exactly.  I’m still finding my way and God is still writing my story. Religion is not something I have ever discussed on my blog before. I struggled for over 20 years to find where I was supposed to be. Today in church Father told us at the end of the day before retiring, to write down our thoughts. Let your children and grandchildren see you praying. Share with them your faith, your story, your religion. I think this is so important. Perhaps this is what prompted me to blog now after all these months!

One of the reasons I converted is because of my grandmother. She is Catholic, but growing up I never understood what that even meant. Religion was never spoken of in our home. It was not until I was 9 years old that I ever went to church. When my parents decided it was time to go to church they took us to a Baptist church. We moved from Maryland to Tennessee. There’s a church on every corner here in the south. I had a crash course in Christianity. I found God, I was “saved”. While this was all very foreign to me I tried to find God and develop a relationship with God. I struggled to fit in.  I stopped going to church in my teenage years. While I am very grateful for my experience, I found God and was very close to God, but the whole “church” experience had left me very confused.  I thought it was me, being a teenager,awkward and full of insecurity.  After high school, I really yearned for God, and one of my friend and I went to several churches to “visit” and tried to find a place that felt right. The funny thing was we just kept going to different Baptist churches, or non-denominational churches. It hadn’t dawned on me to visit other denominations. Time marched on, I married and I had my children. My conscious was wracked with guilt because I wanted my children to grow up knowing God and having a church home. I pondered and pondered what to do, but it was a circular argument I would have with myself with no clear solution.  I spent many nights having conversations with my husband of my desire to go to church. Over the years we visited many different churches.  We tried Baptist, Methodist, Non-denominational, modern and traditional.  He is Episcopal, we tried that. We were getting closer, yet like Goldilocks, one church was too big, one to small, too modern, to flashy. When my older daughter was in Catholic school I would go to her school Mass. I felt like I had come home even though I had no idea what was going on. I was finally beginning to get a clue as to what I needed to do.  It took many years for me, my daughter is now 20, but one day I finally heard what God was trying to tell me.

I really identified with the reading today:

Reading 1 1 SM 3:3B-10, 19

Samuel was sleeping in the temple of the LORD
where the ark of God was.
The LORD called to Samuel, who answered, “Here I am.”
Samuel ran to Eli and said, “Here I am. You called me.”
“I did not call you, “ Eli said. “Go back to sleep.”
So he went back to sleep.
Again the LORD called Samuel, who rose and went to Eli.
“Here I am, “ he said. “You called me.”
But Eli answered, “I did not call you, my son. Go back to sleep.”

At that time Samuel was not familiar with the LORD,
because the LORD had not revealed anything to him as yet
The LORD called Samuel again, for the third time.
Getting up and going to Eli, he said, “Here I am. You called me.”
Then Eli understood that the LORD was calling the youth.
So he said to Samuel, “Go to sleep, and if you are called, reply,
Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.”

When Samuel went to sleep in his place,
the LORD came and revealed his presence,
calling out as before, “Samuel, Samuel!”

Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

Samuel grew up, and the LORD was with him,
not permitting any word of his to be without effect.

Amen! Thanks be to God!!   His presence was revealed to me and I finally listened. I told my husband I am going to be Catholic.  That was a year before I entered the church. I started going to a neighborhood church in February 2013. I entered into the church Easter 2014 after going through RCIA.  It’s taken much reflection and praying to understand where I am today and I’m still holding my conversion close to my heart. I will gladly share my experience with anyone and while this is a big change for anyone that knows me. I have never been more at peace.

Today I can see now how my grandmother’s life was a true example of what a Catholic is. She knows that I converted and she was so excited for me. She is 101 and she is not the storyteller she once was. She is an open book, but her religious life as an adult was not a story she often spoke of. Through God’s grace I can read the story of her life much more clearly now. My husband is going through RCIA now and I am in constant prayer for my children to follow.  Lord, I pray I can share and record my story for my children and for their children. 

Now, that is a lot of words– let’s just get to what I wore!

**I do not like to take my picture!



Jean Jacket:: Target (I think, it’s really old!)

Skirt:: Gap, Thrifted

Boots:: Born, Zappos

Necklace:: St Theresa Medal




~This is for a co-worker’s god-daughter. Love the  soft pretty pink! We are in the midst of yet another polar vortex or some such mess. It is cold, gray, dark and oh so windy. I can’t wait for the light to brighten.

What are you working? I am working up my nerve to sew this sweet little day gown  and I can’t lie, I’m a little nervous.


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~ Sewn with love for my precious niece Caroline. Love her!

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~I love a bishop dress with a little cardigan~

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There is something so precious about a bishop dress. I LOVE them. My goal is to learn how to smock and pleat..insert shudder… Oh Lord.  Maybe one day, but in the meantime I will make bishop dress’. I  used The Scientific Scientist Bebop Bishop Pattern.  I love the small print of this Densyse Schmidt Croquet fabric.  My buttonholer gave me fits and I had to scrap the buttons. I made buttonholes  The Old Fashioned Baby way. Oh me, nerve wracking. They are not perfect, but they will do I suppose.  The sweater is  The Vine Lace Cardi.  I love, love, love this sweater. All we need are a pair of mary- janes and a pair of tights and a baby.   ~ Swoon~

Hello! Hello! I wanted to share some big news…

Oh dear, has it been almost a year? I don’t know what to say really. I can’t quite explain why I fell off the blog wagon.

Life is busy and full. There are not enough hours in the day to get it all done.

I am still doing the things that I love to do. I will always make and create even if I do not document it. It’s just in my blood and

I am very restless when I don’t have a project going. That brings me to my announcement….

Business Card

Please come visit my new blog/shop!!


Frocks for Tots Facebook

So, it’s kind of empty right now however, I am working really hard to create some beautiful classic pieces with some great fabric choices. It’s going to be great. You can see some earlier items I made in my flickr. I may add some other things along the way, bags, quilts, knitted items… we’ll see.

My kids are older and I can’t sew for them like I want, so I figure this is the next best thing. I LOVE sewing for kids and I have a ton of ideas and items I want to make. We’ll see how it all flows.

I hope you will visit and if you have ideas I am all ears.

~Yarn Along~

DSC_0073Joining in with Jenny today for Yarn Along

~knitting for little ones~
It’s been so long since my last yarn along! So happy to have a little more time to knit and for a baby no less, my favorite kind of projects!!

The Pebble pattern this pattern is quick and easy. I love the design of this pattern. Knit all in one, from the bottom up and finishing off at the shoulders. It was interesting. I have never knit a pattern constructed this way and that made this pattern ever more fun.

DSC_0076 I love the button band on the right side. The wooden buttons just really make this little vest shine. I can’t wait to see baby Finn in this. So cute.


*so hard to take good photos in January!

~Lazy Days~


~I love winter. I love winter especially on the weekends when I don’t have to go out. I love staying in my flannel pj’s and lazing about.

~Eating yummy salads.

Yummy winter salad. xoxo it.
~Starting a new quilt, using my stash. Make do and use it up~

Scrappy Trip Along

Flickr Group

~Sewing for a new little boy named Finn.


The best baby newborn pattern for pants. So darn cute.


~Knitting for same little one.

( can’t show you because I’m blocking and need to add buttons)
I hope it fits!

I love winter!